>Perhaps the reason they are all "busy" this year is because they knew
>would be there, with your incessant whining drowning out their sets all


I don't know about all that. Even though I've seen tom push his opinion
a lot further than most would like (including me on occasion). I think
some peoples reaction to his comments on this subject in particular are
more a product of knee jerk reaction (here comes tom) than any kind of
comments in his first post. Like JT already said, it was a rather
informative observation. It was also a question which he's asked twice
and so far (excluding pm's) I believe I'm the only one to respond to
that part of it instead of mocking the observation. It's been obvious to
me (in the course of this thread alone) that no one even attempted a
serious response to his question (which could've sparked more
intelligent convo). I think I'd get a little defensive too if I asked a
completely valid question and all I got was a bunch of jokes and "yeah
right's" and "there HE goes" type replies. And on the subject of the
Detroit artists dodging tom, I know for a fact that more than a few
prominent Detroit artists happen to feel the same way about this years
fest (some are playing anyway) but public forums aren't their thing. So
my reply to Tom's original question (which every reply so far has
artfully dodged in favour of lighthearted humour or derision)which never
made it to the list for some reason is included below.
My original reply:
-----Tom Asked:
> does anyone now feel like maybe those concerned initially back in the
day >were well founded?

Any black person in the united states (post colonial)that has concerns
regarding oppression/culture thievery/marginalization is well founded.
This is not a Detroit affliction. It's an imperialist affliction and the
actions observed can be justifiably understood to speak to that specific
mentality (in small or large part). In short, I've always felt they were
well founded. Carl (et al)'s gotta be saying, "2006 and shxxt still
ain't changed." 

I'd go just for Rob Hood to be honest, but I can't bring myself to
support something I don't believe in, strictly for the sake of hedonism.
I hope all the rest of you have a ball (cause the current state of the
fest can swing on mine). 


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