Alright, cool.  Since you are going to be sucessful and make lots of money, I'll
wait for you to you hit me really hard in the mouth and then sue you.

im not interested in making lots of money. im interested in not being
old as hell whining on internet mailing lists about not being able to
pay my rent. sh*t, we already dont pay rent, we have a mortgage
because we're not chump suckers.

Really Tom, you are clearly unstable.  I do admire your passion though, no
matter how misguided.

yeah im clearly unstable. right.

Keep threatening me and put me out of my misery.

ill just keep clowning you for being broke and old. and i havent even
started on your "music" yet. how many years have you been making it
and youve had exactly one record i liked enough to buy, and i paid $5
for it used, which is about what your entire catalogue is worth.
really youre a chronic coattail rider of insanely overrated musicians.
first genesis, now richie. and it hasnt even kept you paid enough to
pay the rent. suckerrrrrrrrrrrrr. they used you like the punk you are.


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