Self-appointed "golden ears" dismiss feeling and creativity, because
anyone can appreciate those qualities in music (though not always at first
blush, since some tastes are acquired), whereas it takes a genuine
superior class of lonely douche to prioritize the production pipeline in
their evaluation of a record.

i think feeling and creativity are paramount, but if poorly captured sonically, sometimes those things do not come across. without the right mic or compressor we might not hear a certain emotive quality in the singer's voice. without the right balance, all the little things thrown into the background of the music can get lost. without the proper EQ or mastering, the kick drum might not be banging to the level that makes people go insane. it doesn't take "golden ears" to hear or miss those things.

recorded music is not simply music that's been recorded; it's a medium in and of itself, and every step in the chain matters to an extent. but yes, great tracks are made without everything being perfect, and without the initial greatness all the rest is just frosting with no cake.


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