Because arguments aren't fair.  If you make a point that refutes
something someone says, they can always say that wasn't actually what
they said. Or they can take one thing out of your statement and
provide what they think is a counter-example, and then use that to
think they've refuted everything they've said.

Or they can ignore everything you've said and hang on to the precious
preconceptions from which they began the argument, and attack you
personally for disagreeing with them. Or they can act as though their
personal taste in music is an objective measurement of musical
quality. Or if they can't convince you, or anyone else that disagrees
with them, they can claim that the argument wasn't worth discussing in
the first place.

Dale, meet Internet. Internet, meet Dale.

On 9/3/06, Dale Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Why is it that when I make a good solid argument it somehow becomes

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