Our sole purpose is to shed light on electronic music from and associated with Detroit. We feel there have been many interviews done by these artists all over the world where the interviewer have asked questions that only touch the surface of what the artist has to offer and have to say. There is nothing more frustrating to an artist then being asked questions by people that don't know their work or know the right questions to ask to truly get down to the artists personality and real thoughts about their own art.
We plan to get at the very core of the artists and bring you a side of them that you would never otherwise hear on a conventional radio or TV interview. We plan to make this "The Definitive Show: For Those Who Know". This is something that we’ve needed for a very long time but as with our music as you know the technology has always had to catch up to the music.  It is time to bring these artists the respect they have always deserved.
In order to make this happen we had track down people with a true love for the music and a real understanding of the task at hand. We could think of nobody that has more love and dedication to do the job right than "Magic" Mike Young and Natalie Chickee.
"Magic" Mike Young has earned a huge amount of respect locally for his former show "Stick It In Your Ear" which at the time it was running was the only true radio show in Detroit who's main focus was local electronic music.
Natalie Chickee comes from across the river in Windsor, Ontario and is currently doing a show at CJAM radio, which has a focus on all types of local music from Hip Hop to Techno.
Both of these hosts have a drive that few can match and a real love for the music.
Now the time has come for us to wage Electronic Warfare upon the media world and place our own stamp upon the history of this music and bring light upon the masses. Get ready......... 
- The Plan
Show one features:
Aaron Carl
Ron Murphy
and Mr. De'

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