i have been buying records like a nut lately, and i am ecstatic to discover 
that you can actually mailorder records, find the ones you're looking for even 
and for good prices, in the USA again..it hasn't been this good since when 
groovetech went under imho, especially for those of us who don't live in hip 
cities with decent record stores

i think there are 3 main shops that really have it together -- accurate stock 
lists, good selection, and good customer service..between these i can find most 
everything i'm after:

http://dancerecords.com -- they chose a good name! sane prices ($9/$10 imports, 
$7 domestics), insane shipping prices (free over $50, 2-day air for 
$5...what!), completely realtime stocklist, nice built-in re-ordering and 
pre-ordering system, and a big catalog...choice! i am really excited about this 
place, it's like the new groovetech..

http://submerge.com -- oh yes! pricey shipping for small orders but if you do a 
big order it's very reasonable, and bridgette is the best customer service 
person i have ever dealt with at any record store

http://emporium50.com -- detroit house mecca! havent actually ordered there but 
friends have and speak highly!

http://planetxusa.com -- not exactly realtime stocklist, but pretty close, nice 
for findin stuff the first 3 might be out of stock on...just picked up shez 
satan here for $2.34 :P 

just thought i'd share some tips, there's no excuse to not buy records because 
you live in the usa anymore...at least for years, i have heard people here 
saying they have to order from europe and so dont buy much anymore...support 
the dance music business in the usa! 

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