Doh!  Aidy has remembered what it is.  A Mike Dearborn record.  Sexual 
XPerience original mix off this
And I already have it.  Davy I blame you for this as this was exactly the 
scenario you related with you asking Martin from Rub-a-Dub
about a record he was playing.
I can't wait to get home to check this.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Beattie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 17 October 2006 14:50
> To: 313@Hyperreal.Org
> Subject: Re: FW: (313) 3 Chairs, Manchester
> There were a few proper techno tracks (nice surprise to me), 
> I dont recall the one the was slowed down but I remember 
> Jonny Abstract talking to me about some mental stuff going on 
> that he thought was Rob Hood??
> there was another track that really stood out that Theo 
> dropped, had a kind of wasp noise buzzing on it, I asked a 
> few people (Dan, Alex and Lee Bolton) and drew blank looks 
> but id like to know what that one was - perhaps that was the 
> Terry Hunter thing, will look into it.
> ----- Original Message ----
> It was later on (when Theo, Malik and Rick were playing a few 
> tunes each) when I was at the back he played the one I'm on about.
> I'd say it was the most full on proper techno club track all 
> night.  Here's the elusive Aidy of Vinyl Underground's take:
> "that track theo played that slowed down was....arrrrg! i 
> forgotten , its been in my head , its an old chicago thing 
> maybe on the Terry Hunter Madness ep ~~(muzique )

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