Part of why I had Don on the show, is just that... to remember why it was worth doing in the first place. When I started the Lx7 podcast I thought it would be fun to share tracks... but some of my listeners/viewers asked me if I would do a history of Techno show or anything like that.

Which got me thinking that maybe some people don't know where all this started. But instead of telling the same story that every one knows about kraftwork and Juan etc.... I thought that having people come on and talk about the music that got them (personally) into techno would be more interesting. Cause in a way, no matter what we listen to now,... the random and amazing tracks that got us into it are much more interesting then a textbook history lesson.

So that has been the rational behind the interview shows I've been doing on the podcast.

Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 17:18:02 +0100
Subject: FW: (313) radio interview about the early toronto rave scene
To: "313@Hyperreal.Org" <>

I think this is a valid comment and I'm not arguing with it. But to give a comment / reason for it - with me it's probably because at the time I'm looking back to I heard music that made me go "wow this music is amazing, it's like nothing I've heard before, forget everything else this is the FUTURE!!!" And I was totally dedicated to this amazing new music. Unfortunately nothing startling has happened since (and I don't mean there hasn't been any good music since, there has been tons and there still is, just nothing that makes me think there's a revolution going on like I did then) so I end up being all nostalgic for 18 years ago even while thinking I'm into futuristic music!

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