Awesome review Kamal! don't think a magazine review
could have said it better. We didn't do a whole lot of
promo just as we've not done in the past and we thank
those for spreading the word on our chit and promoting
it that way. We're all happy with the end result and
Gerard thanks all for buying it and supporting the
life of more of his music being released on his own
VEXT imprint.


>Alright. I guess this is as good a time as any to say


>Okay, aside from the fact that it sounds like the
>basic channel 
>has been stuck in a hyper-evolutionary time folding
>chamber for like
>eons just becoming sentient and this popped out...

>...yeah, aside from that, this is some of the most
>fluctuating, pulse-waving, freaky ish out there. I
>kept laughing as I
>put on track after track and thought to myself,
"guess >dude doesn't 
>hi hats and snares?" then only to realize a couple
>bowls later they 
>perfectly there, just phased to Pluto and buried
>deeeeeeeep in the mix.
>Which brings me to the keyword here. Deeeeep. Not
deep >like,
>"'s deep..." or the afro-house people
>deep. I mean deep
>as in literally. There are sounds buried so deep in
>the sonic layering
>that (for the first time in a long time)I feel like a
>real aquanaut
>again going exploring for sounds and watching them
>shift all together 
>times like a school of fish (alien pretty fish).
There >were a couple
>songs I didn't really stick with to the end...but I
>was still feeling
>them joints. I haven't even looked at the track
titles >so I can't give
>specifics on names yet. Just remember, it doesn't
take >much to get lost
>in there. Really lost. Not the show. Your

>I also got the E>R>P> joint I missed awhile back.
>OMFG! I really still
>can't describe this one. It's beautiful and growls at
>your face. 

>The one thing I found disconcerting about both of
>these though was they
>were FAST. Like some of sheds's older stuff. Like at
>-8 it's just
>grooving. It doesn't detract from the songs at all
>just the mixability
>with some of my other stuff. Truth be told, I hope
Mr. >Vext never reads
>this as I'd hate to taint the process with thoughts
of >"mixability". 

>Oh yeah! and I got the custom hood-art on both sleeve
>pieces by senor
>sharkface JTizzletron which takes it from like
>collectible to heirloom
>status. One of the best vinyl purchases I've ever
>And as a nod to the kids reaction thread: My boys
were >all over the
>electro Saturday morning. They were into the hard
fast >stuff. 
>throwing the couch pillows, and not even caring if I
>was looking. Just
>ballsout. Full on dancing with their mean
>faces(awesome). Then I went
>into some of the more straightup 4x4 dubby deep stuff
>and they started
>doing some weird ground dancing that almost went
>breakdancy but then
>they petered out and went for cinnamon toast. Next
>time I'm gonna get
>flix. Yall gone bug.



down low music
Convextion dLVEXTLP OUT NOV 16th
The Connection Machine "PIJN" dL013 TBA

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