On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 04:24:42PM -0000, Toby Frith wrote:
>He was incendiary that night, just like he was in his Golden period of '95 - 
>'97. Lots of mistakes, but the energy was relentless. Techno by its very 
>nature is rigid and fixed, and when someone like Mills adds that rough, human 
>element, it takes it to another level. Hawtin by contrast just seems to be 
>plotting a linear route.

Yeah, Mills 95! those were the days... Reckon his gig in the July/95
Lost party under some arches. It was damn hot, water was condensing on
the vinyl so the DJs could not hold/cue records properly (they actually
had to hold the MKII plate!) and the stylus was jumping all the time, so
the mix was getting to trainwrecks all the time... I was having fun with
it because I could see how good and experienced Mills was, because he 
could fix the mix/beat matching in miliseconds after a jump, mostly 
without even cueing or cutting any of the channels... Oh, and he was
also DJing with a reel-to-reel that day... 
Hawtin was playing as well. He was OK, played loads of acid, one of
them as Misjah's Access with that endless drum-roll (which Hawtin mixed
with a backspining record going faster and faster)...

Anyway, I have a theory about Mill's mistakes: Sometimes he does it on
purpose. To bring some human element to his sets... From all the sets I
heard him play (probably half-a-dozen), those with the more mistakes
were the best and/or the parties got the best atmosphere.

Just my R$0.02.



Guilherme Menegon Arantes, PhD       Sao Paulo, Brasil

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