> Makes me want to ask a curious question to all of the 313ers, has anyone from
> this list ever brought any of the "high-tec" that Mike's talking about to
> Detroit?

Yes, this interview is definitely great, it's done by Slice DVD, correct me if
I'm wrong ...


For 'High Tech' correct me again if I'm wrong but :

High Tech is defining most of the UR and others Submerge distributions, a way to
separate UR from the all techno/electro music available on the market.

All Interstellar Fugitives tracks, a lot of Metroplex releases, I would say all
tracks not 4/4 techno rythm are 'High Tech'.

There is a 'High Tech Funk' logo on a lot of releases, if you own some
cd's/vinyls from Submerge, there is a lot of chances that you'll find it
somewhere on the packaging.

Hope this help, Peace.

Dimitri Pike

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