>> what about the latest arpanet and urban tribe things? already got?
>i wasnt feeling those so much. not that they were bad, but i guess i
>was looking for something different. im not always in an electro-ish

you crazy. those are both extremely good albums that deserve more than to just 
be lumped off as "electro"..they are soundtracks..real albums...urban tribe 
especially brings a lot of really unpredictable and amazing sounds, complex 
arrangements...i'm not always in the mood for anything, but those are 
essentials if you ask me...

>in the meantime, ive been trying to look for more older stuff that i
>like, been digging alot of jazz recently and some 90s house (got some
>nice strictly rhythm joints recently, one of the Logic 12"s and

haha yeah lately i'm listening to tons of old strictly stuff and kicking myself 
for writing the label off and not paying more attention before...

also i picked up that hip to be disillusioned re-release on prescription 
classic....so deep but so dancefloor...more more...repress the circulation on 
balance pleeeease! and the abacus! etc etc...and i picked up the mdIII 
re-release on clone classic...can't believe "let it be house" wasnt included 
tho...argh. i would like to see more classic house re-releases and less disco 
madness...repress the serious grooves catalog! i just found mp3's of claude 
young's lowkey stuff from sg...whoaaaa...i love his techno stuff on frictional 
and 7th city, but his house stuff is amazing too and totally different...so 
many great inspiring old records i still have never heard...meanwhile the 
newest trend is squeezed dry and stomped into the ground...as ever..

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