Fat Freddy's come here all the time, they sell out. DJ Fitchie is playing with Jazzanova DJ Alex on Sat in Sydney and tonight down here.

On 19/01/2007, at 8:17 AM, Fred Heutte wrote:

Speaking of the southern sphere, I'm heading to NZ next week
for holiday (about January 23-February 10). Suggestions for record
stores, venues, etc., welcome.  Unfortunately it looks like Fat
Freddy's Drop doesn't have any scheduled gigs during that period
other than a sold-out show at a winery.  They are scheduled
for March 9 in Sydney and March 11 in Melbourne.  You lucky
b***tards :)



I was up last week to see Fiennes in Samuel Beckett and it was unreal
but the clubbing was kinda depressing, or maybe I was in a dark place
post Beckett (v possible) - I may go again this weekend. I should
have researched it more! I am sure Simon and Co know of some cool
places. I went to the Beck's Festival Bar and heard some Kiwi jazz.
Nothing out of the ordinary however.

On 19/01/2007, at 7:27 AM, Richard Cranston wrote:

rushhour records party at sydney university looks pretty good

On 19/01/2007, at 2:51 AM, Cyclone Wehner wrote:

Is there anything good happening in Sydney this weekend, apart
from Jazzanova and the BRILLIANT Ralph Fiennes' First Love that is?

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