well jealous Fred!  I caught him play with his band at the jazz cafe
in London and it was fantastic.  He also played fabric but i missed
that (anyone go?).  Hollie Smith sang at the jazz cafe, and she
sounded amazing.  She has done an ep but haven't heard it?


I just hope recloose puts another fine techno mix out like his one on
jigsaw.  Or even DJ in England would be good.

I see rhythm and sound are playing fabric on the 3rd is this an
experience worth seeing anyone?


On 11/02/07, Fred Heutte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've been in New Zealand for the last two-plus weeks on vacation.
Had a chance to catch Recloose DJing at Sandwiches in Wellington
a week ago, and Matt's new project, the Recloose Live Band, at a
street fair in Petone just outside Welly last night.  At the corner
of Jackson and Buick, would you believe.

The band is an eight-piece jazz/funk outfit playing mostly
originals and really is quite good, staying away from the cliches
that plague these kinds of efforts.

They have a brand-new CD out, Backwards and Sideways,
recorded live at the San Francisco Bath House club in Wellington
last November:


The CD doesn't have my favorite track, "Sanctuary," but you can
hear it on Matt's Myspace page:


I talked with Matt a little and I think he misses tha D a lot
(who doesn't of those who emigrate), and making a living doing
music is hard anywhere but harder when your main markets
are 10,000 miles away, but he's scraping through and doing it
grand.  So, good on yer Matt.  And will someone PLEASE book
this band for the Detroit music festival this year!


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