It sounds like the version on the Innovator double cd is the heavily
edited and shortened version of Icon (montage mix), whereas the
trnasmat Icon vinyl and System 7/Derrick May cd version sounds more
like a long jam (and much better, IMO).

Wojtek, aka detroitio

I'm not sure I've ever detected the difference between the "normal" mix of Icon i.e. 
where it just says "Icon" and the mix where it
says "Icon : Montage mix".
Are there 2 mixes or just the one?  Anyone?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jacob Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 28 February 2007 14:15
> Does anyone else have the System 7 Mysterious Traveller comp.
> with all of the Derrick May remixes? If so, is the version of
> Icon on there really the Montage Mix? It sounds just like the
> version on my Transmat Icon/Kao-tic Harmony 12-inch repress.
> Thanks,
> Jake

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