I disagree. Here are the reasons:

a. We already have enough "loop based" stuff. There is a need for ways
to get away from loops towards constantly evolving materials, rather
than having yet another loop player. In this sense, it's a step in the
wrong direction.

b. The technology exists to do this with all kinds of things. You
could use buy any wireless USB device, map keys in Ableton, and
trigger loops with it on the fly. You can also use a P5 glove which
has existed for ages, or other kinds of MIDI sensors, if you want your
silly dance moves to control the music. None of this is new, it all
exists. What people really need right now are CREATIVITY and
KNOWLEDGE, which seem to be what people are lacking. The future of
electronic music performance is in learning to customize your own
software and setup, to make performances that reflect your unique take
on the music (the same is true for production). The future is not in
these plug and play apps.

c. Need I say it again - the emphasis on visual performance is far too
"rock and roll" for my taste, even though I play along these days.
Sick music is sick music and that should matter more than the
theatrical aspect [cue Surgeon bent down over his Midi controller
rocking $h!t proper].

d. It doesn't really do THAT much (try listening without the video and
see if you things it is equally great!!!), and they guy looks kinda
dumb doing it.

e. "iLoop" - hi, I'm a loop, I'm so much fun to play with, not like
that boring stuff where you have to learn about synthesis and modular
programming and frequencies and DSP, I'm fun and I like to party!!!
Just plug me in, take some pills, and go! Now your sets are fun to
watch, yay! (okay I'm getting a little tired of all this mac hype
right now, sorry)

*Just to be fair, the guy obviously is a good max/msp programmer.
Mainly what this guy has done well is parameter mapping - he's got an
intuitive way of using the Wii movements to generate related stuff in
his application. That's a part of good instrument design, and it does
create a bigger link between what people see and what they hear.



at least visually

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