On 3/23/07, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
its not possible to make drastic shifts like you can
with records. you cant just go from having your music sound like a
reggae band to having it sound like a disco band with a live
performance unless youre using prerecorded stuff, which is obviously
not live.

That's not true Tom ... you can have a key on your controller of
choice set to change, say, the drum patterns, loop, synth, etc all at
once. I don't know why you'd want to do that very often though, sharp
transitions can be a little harsh for the dancers/listeners, but
that's personal preference I suppose.

Of course drum machines aren't "live" either... but if your definition
of live means actually playing all the instruments, it's STILL
possible - "everybody ready ... on my cue ... ANNNDDD " *the crowd is
now totally confused as to why a COUNTRY band is suddenly playing
WESTERN, seemingly out of nowhere!*

Anyway, a mix of tracks and parts usually makes for a better sounding
live performance than doing strictly live mixes from all the parts on
the fly, to my ears - except for Stewart Walker who was very live and
quite amazing when I saw him in Chicago. Anyway my rule is always that
music should be governed first by what sounds best, not by what it's
supposed to be. I feel that some things have to be prerecorded, or
else the music gets too repetitive and loopy, and loses the intricacy
of being through composed. At the same time nobody wants to see
someone hitting play. I feel that live performers have to find their
own niche and it's usually somewhere between DJing tracks and playing
totally live. For myself, if I have a brand new track I made the day
before, I usually don't want to mess with it a bunch, but everything
else I like to get all crazy with... Every time I play now I'm
becoming more "live" and less of a DJ I think, it's a process.

On a side note, I don't really like disco (with a VERY few
exceptions). Except as a joke for it's sort of camp value... There, I
said it! ;-)


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