saw an article on about this yesterday, but it was dated a
couple days before so i thought maybe i missed it when someone else
posted about it. but yeah, i have some mp3s of her shows when she
interviewed cool people on them, really good stuff. in the article she
seems upbeat about doing something else though:

looks like she might be kinda cute, too ;)


On 3/29/07, rob theakston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The powers that be at WDET, in their finite wisdom, have decided to
move to an all news- all talk format...not unlike the other two NPR
stations within listening range of the Detroit area.

Liz isn't the only air shift to be canceled, they kind of cleaned
house. It's just another sad, sad statement of what Detroit radio has

As for the future, who knows? She's still got a few more shows to do.

On 3/29/07, theREALmxyzptlk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> kent williams wrote:
> > So what's up with this? Are they moving? Did she get canceled? What
> > will Liz do now?
> Another inquiring mind here - ditto on Rob's laudations.
>                         j

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