Wow I actually have time to day to investigate something that came from the 
list instead of just marking for attention for a
Just had a listen and I think that's a bit unfair (or maybe giving it too much 
praise!).  It's not Icon.  It just uses those strings
from the beginning.  In fact I think they've been a bit daft doing so as they 
sound really "grafted on" to a different track and
they're so recognisable you do go "hey! that's the strings from Icon!".  I 
reckon they'd have been better leaving them off and
letting peepz concentrate on the track underneath.  Which is OK.  People are 
raving about it on that Ronan Fitzgerald's blog that
got linked on here (where I went to hear the track).  But if I was going to say 
it reminded me of anything I'd say it sounds a lot
like Jean Michel Jarre.  Personally I think JMJ's underrated - you never here 
much about him places like here or him being
namehecked by 313 cats etc and I admit he may have popularised stuff already 
being done by others but I dig him and when I hear
stuff like this I just think "yeah OK, but 30 years ago......"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: J.T. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 18 April 2007 16:22
> To:
> Subject: (313) Âme "Fiori" =RiR remixed!
> ohhhh!
> ..just listened and was surprised to discover it's an obvious 
> remix of Rhythim is Rhythim "Icon" (has the same strings, 
> hard to miss those!)...and it's pretty dope imo! 

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