I'd like to second the motion for blechtum. I saw them live in SF about
a year ago and thought it was quite lovely. I think it's
macintosh-powered stuff...looking forward to more material.


> >you've got the group name correct.
> >it's on kit clayton's orthlorng musork
> >label. an ep (with a lot of tracks) called
> >snauses and mallards. andrew duke
> >
> >glyn wrote:
> >
> >> (i'm pretty sure i butchered the name, but...) what's this kit
> >> clayton-related project like? i saw a release in a local store, but
> >> unfortunately can't listen to it before buying.
> >>
> you should definitely check it out. as far as i know there
> are two people
> behind it, but neither of them kit clayton. it's sort of a
> schitzophrenic
> musical experience, i guess it would fit in the experimental
> category more
> than any other. but it avoids the boring esoteric side of experimental
> music, as it still has plenty of beats. overall it is a
> really interesting
> record with wonderful cover art...my favorite is track 5 - shithole.
> -ana

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