This is all a very tired debate...we covered this shit in one form on this 
list back in 1998, and I'm old school here enough to know.

If you want to know more about marketing of this music and the retarded shit 
that goes along with it, read Dan Sicko's book 'Techno Rebels.'  Myself and a 
few people have got more than a few quotes on the subject in there.

I've been on this list for a long-ass time.  Go check the archives.  Some - I 
repeat, some - of you on this list speak without ever knowing shit about what 
you're talking about, never having worked at a label, not knowing anything 
about the machinations of the music biz.  And while I don't look down on you 
because you haven't - I probably don't profess to know anything about your 
job - just because you have a keyboard and an internet connection doesn't 
make you an expert on music and the music business  Nor does it truly 
validate your opinion. So read instead of type and maybe you'll learn 

Fight for and support good music.  If you don't like cheesy trance and 
progressive house, say so with your wallet and presence and don't attend.  
Encourage people to write about, broadcast, and expose quality music of all 
genres.  Don't support those who don't...or pay to play the game, as they 

Go buy records and CD's.  Don't download them from AudioGalaxy or Napster or 
anywhere else.  It's one thing to preview it online or download it to see if 
you like it, but if you like it, go buy it!  The internet and online mail 
order allows one to buy almost any record you want if you can't find it or 
don't have time to get it in a local store. Record sales, believe it or not, 
play a large part in this whole game.  Support your favorite artists by 
buying their records, that way they can build more leverage in this game and 
(hopefully) make some money in royalties as well.

Laura's got some completely valid points and there are a lot of heavy hitters 
that are in the UK music industry that think that their talent is going to 
save the American dance scene.  That's a crock of shit - even though I like 
my share of UK acts and artists - some of that talent has done nothing but 
made it hard on American and up-and-coming European talent alike, by creating 
a mentality where promoters don't want to take a chance on anything so they 
can be the big club in town and get written up in the US dance press to 
stroke their own egos.  

They'd rather go for the big money and fame rather than create a solid, core 
following of people who come out every week to hear great residents AND 
world-class talent.  You've got to create a community - something that made 
places like MI, Sound Factory, Paradise Garage, Body & Soul truly special.

The state of the record industry clearly demonstrates that somehow things 
have to change.  What the golden answer for the way forward is, I don't 
know...but when people like Elton John are wanting to quit the music industry 
because of all the BS and politics, there's got to be another way or ways to 
push quality music forward, break long term career artists, rebuild catalog, 
and restore artistic integrity.  Where we're at now obviously doesn't work.

Radio sucks ass and until it becomes a little more about music and a little 
less about money and beer commercials, it's not going to change.  That's a 
fact.  one can only hope that satellite subscriber outlets like Sirius and XM 
can become popular and provide a true, tangible alternative format in the 
same way that FM did for AOR in the 1970's.

It's up to all of us to fix it, industry from the inside, record buying 
public from the outside.

Peter A. Wohelski
Former Director of A&R, Astralwerks (Home to the Chemical Brothers, Fatboy 
Slim, Photek, QBurns Abstract Message, Innerzone Orchestra.)

Former Label Manager, Planet E Communications (Home to Carl Craig, Recloose, 
Common Factor, etc.)

Director of Label Relations, Green Galactic Media & Marketing (US marketing 
and press representatives for Soma, InTec, Whole9Yards, Classic, Statra, and 
other fine electronic music labels)

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