Peter, maybe I am missing something, but what I read this as is "you
unwashed heathens, quit thinking for yourselves and just listen to me. 
I have been playing this game a long time and still don't have it right,
but if you listen to me anyway, things will be okay."

Discussion is good, and we all know things that go beyond the scope of
our jobs.  Lighten up.  You don't have any better answers than the rest
of us, even though perhaps you feel the effects more strongly, since you
remain in that industry.

On Fri, 2002-03-01 at 21:24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I've been on this list for a long-ass time.  Go check the archives.  Some - I 
> repeat, some - of you on this list speak without ever knowing shit about what 
> you're talking about, never having worked at a label, not knowing anything 
> about the machinations of the music biz.  And while I don't look down on you 
> because you haven't - I probably don't profess to know anything about your 
> job - just because you have a keyboard and an internet connection doesn't 
> make you an expert on music and the music business  Nor does it truly 
> validate your opinion. So read instead of type and maybe you'll learn 
> something.
> Where we're at now obviously doesn't work.
> It's up to all of us to fix it, industry from the inside, record buying 
> public from the outside.

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