This entire thread has been great, but I'm really sick of businesspeople
being stereotyped as greedy, white, racist, homophobic, powermongers
intent on oppressing all minorities. 

People start businesses for one reason - to make money. There's a lot of
other smaller reasons to start a business; doing something you love, being
your own boss, ect. But the bottom line is that you start a business to
make money.

To record execs, artists are no different than toasters and blenders. They
don't care if you're black, white, hispanic, asian, ect. They don't care
if you're male or female. They don't care about your plight trying to make
it in the world. Your sob story means nothing. They care wether you can
sell records and make them money.

It is not the businessman's fault that techno does not sell very well. Nor
is it his duty to make it sell well. Businessmen have no obligation to any
market (scene) other than to provide a wanted product/service and to
provide that product/service in an ethical way.

In the same way, artists have no obligation to work with businessmen or
give in to the demands of businessmen. If you don't like how the game is
played, start your own game. Go it alone and see how well you'll do. It's
easier now than ever to become successful without utilizing the
traditional systems in place.

Put yourself in the businessman's shoes. If you have one million dollars
to develop a product (artist) and you have two choices, one being an
almost sure money-maker, and one being a real long shot, which do you
choose? You go with the money-maker every time. If you don't, your
business does not survive. 

Imagine 430-West being presented with the option of putting out a Random
Noise Generation album, or an The Impaler album. Which one do you think
they're gonna choose? The money-maker. Sure, The Impaler is a nice guy.
He's had it rough in the music scene. Nobody has given him much of a
chance. His music is great (heh, lets pretend here). But the bottom-line
is you don't invest your hard earned money on something that's probably
going to fail. That would just be stupid.

Is the race card valid when applied to business? Sure, in some cases, but
not in the broad case of record industry. They only provide what will
sell. They have no obligation to do otherwise. If you're going to play the
race card, you have to attack the reasons why mainstream audiences would
rather buy whitebred pop than minority produced techno/house/whatever.
This might include attacking minority individuals that make the rest of
the race look bad (rappers with their 40s, guns, hoes, ect). Or maybe
attacking Europeans that claim (and may even believe) they brought
electronic music to the States. How about replacing affirmative action
with actual equality? Or taking on the people that could bring forth 
quality schools in urban areas. I'm basically trying to show that the
problem is much larger than the record industry. It's wrong to expect
Virgin and Sony Records to mold the majority of people into what a handful
of people think music listeners should be like. It is simply not their
obligation to do so.

You cannot blame record execs pushing what sells and then complain
yourself that you're not making money because you refuse to produce music
that sells. Anyone that makes techno can just as easily make trance if
they so choose. If you choose your integrity over money that's you're
choice. It's not the businessman's fault that the result of your choice
does not sell.

I have the mindset of an ethical businessman. I don't care who you are or
what your story is. If I can make money off of you, I'll invest in
you/your product/your cause/whatever. Your value to me has nothing to do
with race, gender, or sexual preference. THAT'S equality, and it exists in
the business world.

Krhn! - [Detroit Intelectronic Listowner           ]
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