Yes I have been reading all this bullshit about what I said or didn't >say in my interview with xlr8r

I'm glad to see that you're reading all this. it amazes me sometimes how many high profile people are on this list and actively reading it.

I'll still continue to speak my mind on you or anyone else who puts their profile out for public display. When you have the fame to have a magazine ask for a interview, you should expect people to speak their mind on what you've said. I can't STAND IT when people tell me, "stopping talking about dj x, he's not here to defend himself." Of COURSE he's not here to reply, he's a dj. He's busy doing dj things. The fact of the matter is, when you choose to make yourself a public figure, *expect* the public to make and voice their opinion about you. In my humble opinion (and since i'm semi-jealously not in your position, i may not have much room to talk), if i was in the high profile position of being able to make my music daily without the need of another job, and having people contact ME for a gig instead of the other way around, i would do one of two things with the comments that a little techno producer on a web list is making:

1.  ignore them completely if they pissed me off.
2.  take them to heart, and see if there is some validity to them.

You are in the public eye. You are an icon to hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. You have the ability to pracically walk into any club in the world and tell THEM that you're spinning that night, for the mere fact that you are juan atkins. People simply will talk about you, and that doesn't make them playa haters. that makes me someone with an opinion.

1) I did not go into xlr8r and hold a gun to the editor's head and >make them interview me or put me on the cover, contrary to the haters

never said that. Like i said, being the great producer that you are, you have the fantastic ability of people chasing after you for an interview. and so you chose to put your opinion in a big spread in a magazine, which then entitles me to speak my opinion in response as well.

Apparently, I must be currently doing, and/or
saying something of some status/substance to warrant a recent cover >story on their mag.

Wouldn't disagree with this whatsoever. you *are* juan atkins, and i certainly am not.

3)Since when did a coupla new jack playa haters (Poivrenoir,Yussel,& >Jayson B,etc.) become the authority on this list as to who is in or >out of touch with Detroit ?

hehe.  new jack playa haters.  I have a my newest song's title now.

Pretending to be an authority and stating an opinion are two different things juan.

or that Oakee or Digweed are so commercially viable.

they are commercially viable. that's why oaktree has commercials on mtv, and does all those faboo remixes for the popstars.

but you have more integrity than that right? or is it the fact that you are black, they are white, and if you were white you'd be doing all the things they do? All this time I though juan atkins was an artist, making fantastic music and (when you showed up for a gig) putting on great dj performances, and that juan atkins had more pride in his music than the sellout cheeseballs. was i wrong?

I can't recall hearing any of their records (that they actually made) >on the radio ? Maybe I'm wrong ? someone please correct me if I am.

ok, maybe i am getting confused, and i'd love some clarification. What *is* your stance on commercial music? do you feel that they although they cater to the masses, that you do it better? or do you feel that you simply write a better form of music, even though its obviously not as accessable to the mainstream?

4) And please give me credit

I'll give you credit till i'm blue in the face. I've said it a billion times in this email; you *are* juan atkins, and that means a fuckload more than being jayson b to the entire world of electronic music. but i'll still speak my mind about you. that won't change.

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