To me this reads exactly like the XLR8R article only with the questions changed...

I just re-read the XLR8R article and the quotes are the same...

Maybe that's because they were written by the same person... Duh....

At 01:42 PM 3/7/2002 -0600, Vince Woolums wrote:

You can make your own inferences.

Vince Woolums
AOL IM: vincewoolums

----- Original Message -----
From: Jayson B. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 12:58 PM
Subject: RE: [313]Regarding Business

> >Yes I have been reading all this bullshit about what I said or didn't
> >in my interview with xlr8r
> I'm glad to see that you're reading all this.  it amazes me sometimes how
> many high profile people are on this list and actively reading it.
> I'll still continue to speak my mind on you or anyone else who puts their
> profile out for public display.  When you have the fame to have a magazine
> ask for a interview, you should expect people to speak their mind on what
> you've said.  I can't STAND IT when people tell me, "stopping talking
> dj x, he's not here to defend himself."  Of COURSE he's not here to reply,
> he's a dj.  He's busy doing dj things.  The fact of the matter is, when
> choose to make yourself a public figure, *expect* the public to make and
> voice their opinion about you.  In my humble opinion (and since i'm
> semi-jealously not in your position, i may not have much room to talk), if
> was in the high profile position of being able to make my music daily
> without the need of another job, and having people contact ME for a gig
> instead of the other way around, i would do one of two things with the
> comments that a little techno producer on a web list is making:
> 1.  ignore them completely if they pissed me off.
> or
> 2.  take them to heart, and see if there is some validity to them.
> You are in the public eye.  You are an icon to hundreds of thousands of
> people all over the world.  You have the ability to pracically walk into
> club in the world and tell THEM that you're spinning that night, for the
> mere fact that you are juan atkins.  People simply will talk about you,
> that doesn't make them playa haters.  that makes me someone with an
> >1) I did not go into xlr8r and hold a gun to the editor's head and >make
> >them interview me or put me on the cover, contrary to the haters
> never said that.  Like i said, being the great producer that you are, you
> have the fantastic ability of people chasing after you for an interview.
> and so you chose to put your opinion in a big spread in a magazine, which
> then entitles me to speak my opinion in response as well.
> >Apparently, I must be currently doing, and/or
> >saying something of some status/substance to warrant a recent cover
> >on their mag.
> Wouldn't disagree with this whatsoever.  you *are* juan atkins, and i
> certainly am not.
> >3)Since when did a coupla new jack playa haters (Poivrenoir,Yussel,&
> > >Jayson B,etc.) become the authority on this list as to who is in or
> >of touch with Detroit ?
> hehe.  new jack playa haters.  I have a my newest song's title now.
> Pretending to be an authority and stating an opinion are two different
> things juan.
> >or that Oakee or Digweed are so commercially viable.
> they are commercially viable.  that's why oaktree has commercials on mtv,
> and does all those faboo remixes for the popstars.
> but you have more integrity than that right?  or is it the fact that you
> black, they are white, and if you were white you'd be doing all the things
> they do?  All this time I though juan atkins was an artist, making
> music and (when you showed up for a gig) putting on great dj performances,
> and that juan atkins had more pride in his music than the sellout
> cheeseballs.  was i wrong?
> >I can't recall hearing any of their records (that they actually made) >on
> >the radio ? Maybe I'm wrong ? someone please correct me if I am.
> ok, maybe i am getting confused, and i'd love some clarification.  What
> your stance on commercial music?  do you feel that they although they
> to the masses, that you do it better?  or do you feel that you simply
> a better form of music, even though its obviously not as accessable to the
> mainstream?
> >4) And please give me credit
> I'll give you credit till i'm blue in the face.  I've said it a billion
> times in this email;  you *are* juan atkins, and that means a fuckload
> than being jayson b to the entire world of electronic music.  but i'll
> speak my mind about you.  that won't change.
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