Indeed, though *most* of what you've said is correct, the first point -- that the name is inconsequential -- is the only one under real question.

let's not forget that the other big 3-day festival (jazz, you know, during whichever one of those labor day/memorial day weekends isn't in may and is in september, right?) built an *enormous* international reputation, and generated almost as much foreign tourism to detroit, and almost as many festival attendees, as the DEMF did in its first year.

and what is that festival called now? i can't remember anymore, now that it's not montreaux. i mean, i'm serious -- no one knows what the name is. but ask anyone connected to detroit's rather limited tourism industry (with the exception of the boileau dude, right?) and they'll tell you that the lack of the name hurt international tourism for the jazz fest. at least for the first two years.

and, BTW, let's not forget that teh way the freep article was written, May gets only six or seven words to give his framework for the suit. and any six or seven words that end and begin with the possibilty of the DEMF being bought by a foreign concern are gonna sound like the rantings of someone who's a little paranoid, or just into getting promotion.

until you remember what happened to that other festival. you know. whatever its name is now -- i can't remember.


At 10:42 AM -0500 3/11/02, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
the name is rather inconsequential.

the city of detroit owns hart plaza

the city of detroit fronts the money for the festival (it is later paid
back by the sponsors)

the city will decide who gets the contract next year.

this strikes me as a publicity stunt.

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