
For one, I hate media and politics- they like to make a big deal out of
BS.  I hear people bitch about "the leech" Carol Marvin all the time,
but she has a committee of well-respected Detroit artists working for
her now, and it is my understanding that she is good to work with.  Why
would any one be working with her if they didn't like her to some

Second, if anyone should take over the name, what about Carl Craig?  It
was his idea in the first place.  I was surprised to read the poll in
which 82% thought Derrick May should take the name.  What right does he
have to take it?  In reality, without Pop Culture Media, there would be
no (financially capable) DEMF.

>>>Did you read the full article?  The reason is clear enough whether
true or
false.  May allegedly did it to prevent the "sale" of the festival to a

If you read the full article, you would have noticed that the PCM
president denied any rumor of selling it.  

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