>>That's the way it has always been...
>that was my point about elitist objecting over this idea.

For many people it's a job - and that is what it takes to stay on top. It's
not elitist, it's survival in a crowded world.


>> When it comes to techno there seems to be a gray area with records
> into obscurity especially from the very late 80's to early 90's.
> True - it sometimes is an era that isn't easily discovered but it's not
> impossible - do the homework and you can learn about it. If it's handed
> you on a platter then what's the point?

well fist of all your putting infornation out there that's not easily
accesable so it's more practlicle for people who have a genuin interest and
curiosity about the music to learn about Detroit techno.
Your also archiving an important part of history in a convieniant package
for future refrence.

> I think it's more rewarding to
> teach myself by reading books, listening to DJ sets, randomly listening
> records in a store, digging through old magazines, etc.

certain aspects of that can be rewarding but it's mostly a hastle and very
time consuming.

regarding the whole section above:
I don't understand. On one hand you're talking about having information put
out there so that it's easier to find out about and those with genuine
interest/curiosity about the music will learn about it.
But then when you say that teaching yourself by reading about it, listening
to DJ sets, randomly listening to old records and digging through old
magazines is "a hastle and very time consuming."
Who is the one with more genuine interest? The person who, without a
one-stop shopping place for all things techno, goes out and finds out for
themselves, dedicates time and money and goes through the "hassle" - or-
the person who wants the quick and easy fix of finding everything in one
The information I have in my head and the records I have are more important
to me *because* I've spent sh*t loads of my time digging it all up,
searching it out, and going through the hassle of it all.
Sounds like you want an easy answer.


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