> > True - it sometimes is an era that isn't easily discovered 
> but it's not
> > impossible - do the homework and you can learn about it. If 
> it's handed to
> > you on a platter then what's the point?
> well fist of all your putting infornation out there that's not easily
> accesable so it's more practlicle for people who have a 
> genuin interest and
> curiosity about the music to learn about Detroit techno.
> Your also archiving an important part of history in a 
> convieniant package
> for future refrence.

So what do you want them to do then? everybody has a website nowadays how
can information be more  easier to get???

> > I think it's more rewarding to
> > teach myself by reading books, listening to DJ sets, 
> randomly listening to
> > records in a store, digging through old magazines, etc.
> certain aspects of that can be rewarding but it's mostly a 
> hastle and very
> time consuming.

Go and buy Britney Spears if you want easy-to-get music



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