----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Basically at this gig the local dj's far outshone
> the hired help. I know many people at this gig, myself included,
> came away dissappointed by what was on offer.

Sorry to hear about your recent disappointment w/ Stacey.  We @ IN-SITE love
Mr. Pullen and found his recent NYC shows (Twilo and The Cooler) to be
faultlessly deep.  Mike Bindra-Twilo's manager-was "blown-away", and for
those of you who know Mike that is saying a lot!
 As far as the Jaxx being cheese,  well we're all entitled to our opinions.
I happen think the Jaxx's production work has always been brilliant
(although the current stuff is over played and over hyped) but they are not
the DJ's they once were (anyone who saw them spin @ their London club a few
years ago will know what I'm talking about).  I recently had the misfortune
to see them play @ Twilo - talk about crap they spun for maybe 45 min.s to
an hour and only played one track that was not their own - major letdown!  I
saw them in  London years ago and was really impressed, they spun all night
mixing in tons of different styles, but all on a deep tip.  Sorry for the
off-topic digression!
Cheers - MSF*
PS - that chiapet record is the shit!  God I fuckin' love YoshiToshi!
Mark S. Flintoft                                    917.817.3989
Managing Editor

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