On 29 Sep 99, at 2:01, Mark S Flintoft wrote:

> Sorry to hear about your recent disappointment w/ Stacey.  We @
> IN-SITE love Mr. Pullen and found his recent NYC shows (Twilo and The
> Cooler) to be faultlessly deep.  Mike Bindra-Twilo's manager-was
> "blown-away", and for those of you who know Mike that is saying a lot!

I would love to know why it is, then, that he played what he played.

>  As far as the Jaxx being cheese,  well we're all entitled to our
>  opinions.

It's not so much that I find that song cheese, because I suppose for 
what it is (ie a pumping 'hard house' type song) it does the job. The 
way I see it, song like that should be the bourbon in the drink, but 
you also need some coke right? (or ice or whatever). To use 
another analogy, his set was all climax and no foreplay or 
afterplay. And even then... personally speaking I can think of better 
tunes to, uhh, climax with. 

> I happen think the Jaxx's production work has always been brilliant
> (although the current stuff is over played and over hyped) 
Yes! This song is being way over played and I'm sick of it, to be 
honest. Almost every dj so far has seen fit to drop it, and I don't 
really think it's worthy of all that attention.

>PS - that chiapet record is the shit!  God I
> fuckin' love YoshiToshi!

Yeah, that was certainly good. It sounded great on the big system, 
I quite like it too! Yoshi Toshi has a pretty good track record... 
they're well represented in my collection... hmmm... heiko laux... 
the other chia pet record... the new one by 'timeline' who is 
christian smith and someone else... all good. Again, though, where 
was the deepness to contrast the pumping stuff?

If anyone has a chance to talk to stacey pullen, I would love to 
know if this is his usual style, or if he felt that playing the way he 
did was necessary whilst out in the (I don't agree with this 
evaluation) "backwaters" of the world (ie perth).  I've heard that a 
mate of mine went up to pullen afterwards and had a few choice 
words, evidently he was annoyed enough to do so.

Alton Miller's coming here soon, hopefully we will hear some tunes 
of the same quality as he puts out - deep, sensual house music. I 
love that stuff... Also coming in november is chicago's chris gray. I 
know that will be deep because everyone involved with it has 
spoken to him and pleaded for him to go deep, deep, deep!


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