Speaking of which, the new Sieg Uber Die Sonne ( - ) x ( - ) = + is quite nice. All over the map and even goes tech-house in places, so it's not even completely off-topic. Heck, waxing historic for a sec, it wouldn't be amiss to say Flextone (an older RI ) wanders outside of this-listy parameters too far. That's always been one of my fave AtomTM's. Uwe really is a cornucopia...for my money, Schnittstelle is tighter glitch than Ae have ever produced...Orange stacks right up there with some of the all time ambient classics and the recent Lassigue Bendthaus is classic side-splitting cover stuff which lasts beyond pure novelty records. Not to mention the old "hard" stuff he did (POD, etc.). The man is amazing.

At 10:18 AM 10/5/2001, M Elliot-Knight wrote:
I suppose prolific should be added as  well, when one looks at the
sheer volume of his releases.

There are a number of German/Chilean artists, closely related to Uwe Schmidt and the Frankfurt scene, whose work flies under the radar of most people... Pink Elln (TM), Gabriel LeMar, Dandy Jack (who is also part of Ric Y Martin on the Perlon label), Pascal FEOS, Alax Azary, Michael Kohlbecker, etc. It's interesting to see how this web of aliases and friendships is weaved.


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