on 10/29/01 1:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'd say I'd have to humbly agree wif Mr. Eno....there's a lil' sumpin about
> soul that seems to be better pronounced with a little more effort.
> I'm feelin' him cuz I believe that with the ease of nouveau technology
> things become...well.. a little more facile shall we say?

I think "Sameness" may be part of the problem Eno has with cutting edge
tech.   128 kids all clamber to be the first on the block to get the new
gizmo, and start running through the presets.

I believe he does have a point about "missing the macro", but the macro in
the case of most electronic dance music usually isn't the track, or even the
album.  It's the total mix.  I doubt he hangs out for the full night at any
clubs anymore.  (That makes two of us, Brian.)

As much as I like a lot of generative music, it can fall flat just as easily
as the "stilted music" Eno complains about.

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