That is actually a paradox with this stuff...
sure it becomes "easy" to compose but.....

It becomes a lot harder to do something

I wouldn't fault the tools to make music in this
case.  It seems to me that it's more incumbent
on the musician/producer to work what they have
into something that is uniquely their own...

this begs the question, can machines be funky?
without going into long discourse about it, I believe
they can be...  but that's another topic..

humbly offered as well

Jim J.

----- Original Message -----
From: "laura gavoor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: [313] Eno on his soapbox

> I'd say I'd have to humbly agree wif Mr. Eno....there's a lil' sumpin
> soul that seems to be better pronounced with a little more effort.
> I'm feelin' him cuz I believe that with the ease of nouveau technology
> things become...well.. a little more facile shall we say?
> humbly offered....
> >From: Gerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To:
> >Subject: [313] Eno on his soapbox
> >Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 12:26:27 -0500
> >
> >- with all the recent hullabaloo about Finalscratch...
> >
> >Thought i'd throw this into the pot.
> >
> >Article spotted on another mailing list, i thought some of you might be
> >interested in.
> >
> >G
> >
> >Matt Tudor wrote:
> > >
> > > Interesting read:
> > >
> > > New Eno Music Gets 'Generative'
> > >
> > > Brian Eno, the electronic and ambient music pioneer, thinks today's
> > > computer-crafted tunes are lame.
> > >
> > > With software like Acid, Logic, Cubase and ProTools, musicians now
> > >
> > > on the desktop a seemingly limitless ability to cut up, affect, loop
> > > and rearrange sounds. Altering the tempo, pitch and feel of a beat has
> > > become almost as easy as changing the font in this sentence. But
> > >
> > > not necessarily a good thing, Eno said.

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