i have wondered recently about the fears of
technology.  ever since the beginning of the use of
fire, people have sought to simplify their lives by
combining and simplifying processes.  computers are
only the most recent example of this process.  music
that was once only with the physical manipulation of
air is now possible with the tweaking of knobs and
buttons.  entire symphonies can now be written on
computer and less and less organic, "real" music is
being made today.  is this a problem...
   i think that technological advances lead people
into a realm of unknown territory, where the rules are
altered.  ultimately those who acclimate themselves to
these rules are those who succeed.  
   in this issue of technology and music, i think it
is necessary to agree that there is no loss here.  no
one person is prevented from expressing themselves in
musical terms with this advent of new technology.  now
one is prevented or chastized for using established
methods.  in fact "old school" recording methods are
probably considered chic by most on this list.
   the only thing that is happening is that more and
more people are able to create with this new
technology.  many may ask how is this good?  i ask how
can it be bad.

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