On 10/10/07, The Archiver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is A Techno list, let's not embrace the new technology!
> In response to Kent's reasons
> > 1. MIME-encoding makes the archives and digests unreadable and difficult
> to search.
> Really? How? Is this a bit of a broad statement?

Call me old school, but sometimes I open the archive files in a text editor.

> > 2. Some peple still use text-based e-mail programs.
> I would assume there are very few? There aren't many email programs out
> there that only use Plain Text,


> > 3. We old school.
> Kent you may be OLD school, but that's hardly a reason to keep everyone in
> the category.
I am the oldest of old school, the internet equivalent of Methuselah.
My first e-mail address had bangs (the ! character) in it.  But plain
text is 100% forward compatible. HTML isn't backwards compatible.

> Kent you may be the moderator, but is the decision yours to decide what the
> list should do? I mean no disrespect here....
I prefer the term 'administrator' but ... I don't even know how well
EZMLM would deal with multi-part mime.  Rejecting MIME E-mail keeps
people from sending pictures and sounds and virii.  It also forces
people to WRITE what they mean.

I hear from a few squeaky wheels who want HTML e-mail on 313, but the
vast majority of list members either like it plain text, or don't care
one way or another.  I don't see a reason to change.

I know it means that certain mail clients will switch to HTML for no
reason and get messages bounced but as far as I'm concerned that just
means they suck.

If you don't like it, start your own list, or go to the many web
forums that also talk about techno.  It may be an anachronistic quirk
of this list, but it does in some small way maintain its unique

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