That's not strictly true but I can't be arsed to map the early days
of Dubstep out again :)

i think youre going to have to do it man, since i was buying the
records in 00-02 when the name was first being used. any timeline that
includes anything outside of 2-step in its lineage is incorrect, and
is likely on some revisionist history business.

There's a early Radio 1 interview kicking around that does a good job, if you don't have it I'll dig it you up.

I've just played them both of these back to back and Black Secret
sounds more modern than the stuff on Untrue, with basically is one
idea for 45+ minutes, BST kicks its sorry ass if you ask me.

but man, comparing the two straight up is just not what its all about!

I think it's a fair call, one's ground break and one isn't.

so only groundbreaking music is worth listening to? how does that make
any sense? i mean, you know i love that mark archer record, but what
is groundbreaking about it? absolutely nothing! its just good sh*t.

Not what I was inferring and I'd agree not every record is nor needs to ground breaking, I was reflecting back on K's comment and I stand by that statement tho, one changed the way people think/work, the other just smells of Pledgeâ„¢

Tom some of those sample have been used so much their udders are
bleeding, even the stuff he's lifted from the More Rockers Crew has
been done to death.

and the 808 and 909 have been used 100 million times more than any
sample from anything. does it make them less effective? 1000 bad uses
of a sample dont make one good one any less good.

Out of context, but the sample use is just corn ball to me, all it was missing was dolphins and whale song ;)

It's defo not the fault of anyone, he's made an album and he loves it
and stands by it, nothing more you can ask and if he's like me he
won't give a flying crap what anyone else says and that's the way it
should be. I'm just trying to avoid doing an edit job :)


And for my punishment the job was Aly and AJ, from the Disney Channel - if you wanna hear some dark sh1t, you should try it for 8hrs :)


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