Fantastic picks, Todd!

>  so. can't forget Avalon Bakery! Cass Ave right by Planet E.

Such good pastry...another fantastic pastry pick is the mexican bakery
in (duh) Mexicantown. They have this great cafeteria-tray setup where
you go around & pick stuff out, and you end up with this massive brown
paper sack of baked good for like $2.50.

>  Sala Thai - in the burbs on Lafayette near Woodward

True! I haven't been to Sala Thai in forever. Had many a pad thai
there over the years...

>  If memory serves me right, there's some indian food to be had
>  downtown, but I only stumbled into it and have yet to see it in the
>  last 2 years for some reason.

This one's a bit controversial. The restaraunt across from the DIA, in
the basement of the International Center, always had a couple of
different curries every day. They got pushed out with higher rent, and
a new owner came in with basically the exact same menu. I haven't been
there in a few years. Last time I was there the food was still great
but I felt kind of dirty because of the way that whole situation went


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