Any recommendations for Delsin vinyl?

On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 4:53 PM, Kowalsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's really a shame about US online stores. I did not know the situation
> were so like this... well, bad.
>  Another thing i do, from time to time, is buy records thru discogs or gemm
> from american not online stores, i mean, stores and dudes that  end up
> selling online, but they had no proper site or a online selling system. This
> case applies to no so new releases and you gotta trust the person. I never
> had any trouble though, luckly.
>  Kw
>  On 20/04/2008, at 14:21, theREALmxyzptlk wrote:
> > A-men. For a while after I first retired from GM (and hadn't appropriately
> adjusted my outgo with my income), I ordered several boxes from Hardwax and
> a few from Clone and RH, but as I have to make do on blazing the college
> adjunct trail these days, I can rarely afford anything I have to import.
> > I look at the new releases on their sites and drool.
> > More than anything, I subsist on pay-for downloads from Bleep (when
> something lands there I want), sometimes Beatport, or even Boomkat.
> > Cool or not, I want to listen and slsk just doesn't cover the economic
> bases for the artists.
> > I live just outside of the D, and it's tough getting Detroity things HERE
> for Pete's sake. You can't blame the artists for shipping the wax where it
> fetches the bacon, but it's a sad state when one has to import the music
> made around the corner.
> > The real b*tch for me about FE is playing the guessing game concerning
> whether or not they'll have any of the latest holy grail. So many times
> after I have bit the bullet and imported, I've seen them offer whatever it
> is I sold my soul to have mailed from across the pond. The next time I
> gamble on them, I find all copies went abroad.
> > I've gone back and forth on hoarding vinyl (well, not really
> *hoarding*...), and while I'd much rather own a RECORD than a file, these
> days I don't have much choice and I'm thankful when I can find someone who
> sells what I want digitally.
> >
> >
> >                                jeff
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > i want so badly to support rush hour, hardwax and clone, but their
> > > shipping and total cost per record is just...
> > >
> >
> >

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