turntablelab has a nice selection in terms of hip-hop and represses. But their shipping is too expensive. Only thru UPS. And that carries a problem when it comes to custom taxes in Brazil. Courier companies always pay the taxes, ordinary mail, sometimes, pass thru the filter with no taxes at all.

On 19/04/2008, at 17:08, Frank Glazer wrote:

i should mention that turntable lab often has a lot of obscure
represses and hipster disco, and of course they have almost all dfa
releases.   i don't shop there much because i'm annoyed that their new
releases rss feed doesn't distinguish between records and the hundreds
of other nonsense products they carry (clothing and accessories,
needless tech gizmos, every time they get a restock on gruvglide they
add it to their rss feed, it's really dumb)

On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 3:09 PM, JT Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
as much as you can find at dancerecords.com (lightning fast shipping
 which is often free for orders over 50$, ridiculously huge stock..),
then more boutique type shops like dopejams, emporium50, submerge etc
 to fill in the gaps

 i second Tom's question though, why the heck would you order records
 from a u.s. store when you live in europe? american labels send the
majority of their stock there anyway, there's probably next to nothing
 you can get here that you can't get there

 FE gets a low rating from me, they've sent me the wrong records even
when what i ordered was in stock, and not much of what i order is ever
 in stock. kudos to them for providing some much needed distribution
 services, but the store is "meh"

 On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 7:41 AM, theREALmxyzptlk

FE is fine if what you want is in stock.
Speaking as someone who'd like to keep on *current* things domestic and
abroad musically, it's not so hot.
It won't do to wait on them to get in much of anything that's limited, and it's a crap shoot waiting to see if they'll get the records in which create a buzz here. Usually it's a losing bet. On the other hand, they'll often roll out a huge back-catalogue of a label which wasn't that hot last year. It depends on what you want. They are efficient and fast if you specify you
want backorders skipped and shipping asap, but as far as keeping
*consistently* current on things (save mostly the 'trendy' ends of techno, the Soul Jazz catalogue, and the odd gem here and there) - and especially as Tom mentioned, the Detroity stuff - you're better off elsewhere. I use a
mail order service (PBE) which is run out of NY.
No online site with interactive samples, etc, but excellent and faster
service with a more varied stock (including imports).


forced exposure. great experience every time. email them to make sure what you want is available, especially if it is slighty more uncommon.



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