zing :p

----- Original Message ----- From: "Kowalsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "[313]" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: (313) 4 more Movement acts

Damn... Sonar gotta book only Barcelona native artists, from now on.

On 22/04/2008, at 19:24, /0 wrote:


if you dont understand what that means, you can't read and should unsub.

nothing in that name insinuates a festival of detroit electronic music, but rather an electronic music festival in, and belonging to detroit.

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: (313) 4 more Movement acts

Well, the mistake is actually in calling it DEMF. It's not DEMF - it's
Movement.  Time for a paradigm shift.
That's the biggest reason I see people getting upset about "well, the first
years were more Detroit"
The first years - meaning THE Detroit Electronic Music Festival (Pop
Culture's production) WAS a celebration of Detroit's electronic music. What's going on now is a different festival called "Movement". People are fooling themselves into thinking it's THE DEMF because it occupies the same
date and space as the other festivals.
There hasn't been any inheritance imo.
THE DEMF stopped in 2003. That was the last year of The Detroit Electronic
Music Festival.  End of story.
All the other festivals that have followed are officially titled by other

for once I gotta agree with r3dshift - it's time to stop comparing
Paxahau's Movement to The Detroit Electronic Music Festival (DEMF)
if you continue to compare them you might as well compare the Hoe Down or
the Jazz Fest to DEMF as well

DEMF is... er, was, a celebration of Detroit Techno

Movement isn't
it's just another electronic music festival that just so happens to take place in Detroit because that's where the production company is located
and there's a space available
at this point - Movement could feasibly, well, move - to any other city and
it would make about as much sense as it does now

if you shift your thoughts and start to see Movement as "Movement" and not "DEMF" or THE DEMF you might possibly, like me, begin to not really be
bothered by it
Movement has not inherited the legacy of DEMF


"/0" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/21/2008 05:57:31 PM:

as has been said, its not a detroit techno festival, its detroits
music festival.  and Im glad.  a yearly festival dedicated to any
would get boring and increasingly hard to market.

detroit has more people on the lineup than any one other city by FAR, so
you, being a fan of detroit techno, should be happy with that.

this list needs to snap out of this
mindset, because it just leads to cyclical wastes of time in the form of
this whining about lineups
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred Heutte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: (313) 4 more Movement acts

> >  Mark Farina
> >  Lawnchair Generals
> >  Miles Maeda
> >  Punisher
> >/
> >  good god - for every one good act they add three crap ones

I don't have a problem with any of those.  I've known Mark
since 1992, haven't seen MM but like some of his, and I have a
pretty high regard for some of the LG output, which is made of
sterner stuff than most west coast house these days.

And of course Punisher has always been good when I've seen her,
and remember she stood well above the relentless mediocrity at
the underground stage one year.

My bigger problem is the continuing de-focus on Detroit in the
lineup.  Yes, there are some Detroit area artists on the list,
and good for them, but overall it just doesn't have the breadth
and depth it should given who's within local driving distance of
the festival.  And this isn't just conjecture about what it could
be, it's about what it was when you go back and look at the first
couple of years.


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