Tom's the lucky one. If I had that outlook, I wouldn't have to worry about spending the rent on new 12"s.


At 12:45 2008.04.24, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 1:29 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  painting the world in absolutes is dangerous to the mind, soul, and spirit
>  might as well we all give up then - you included
>  might as well lay down and die


>  ah, but you're trying to put a corral, which is at best a concrete picket
>  fence, around something that is abstract and untouchable


>  the result is it will continue to slip out, over, and under any kind of
>  objective rules you try to wrap "quality" in


>  you can't see inside everyone's souls to see why they like the things they
>  do

but you can see inside the soul of the people making the music, which
is what makes it either good or nonsense.

>  outside of the technical, why they find "quality" in one person's
>  playing and not in another's

i think people just make it up at random. most people dont even really
listen to music IMO.

>  laying down objective parameters on "quality" is for people living in
>  fragile worlds


>  in the end, your mind, like the concrete fence, will be rigid and stuck -
>  unable to move from where you last put it


>  if you're sticking that fence around other people then you're ego trippin'
>  to the highest degree



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