Are you talking about staying within the bounds of dance music though?
There's amazing folk stuff going on - great music from all around the world
- some very good/strong independent song writers - fantastic classical
Of course there's tons of nonsense but there always has been.  Now with the
way artists don't have to rely on record label $$ and the major label
machine to get their music out you can find some really great music
I'm constantly finding new great stuff via myspace - find one good artist
and follow their links.

it takes effort to find it all


"Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/24/2008 09:24:17

> On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 10:20 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > That's very true - especially if you're looking beyond a niche.  I
> >  keep up with all the good music.
> i disagree. almost every genre is the same, tons and tons of nonsense
> with just a few decent people making new stuff. in fact, i think it is
> easier for me to find things in the niche of what i really like
> because my taste is more refined, smaller differences end up being
> more pronounced.
> i love mikebee, but he has definitely played some nonsense at times in
> the past (i can remember him playing a bunch of Get Physical records a
> few years back, ewww!). he usually gets it more right than not, but he
> is also currently buying lots and lots of old records.....
> tom

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