"Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/24/2008 10:34:06

> On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 11:27 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Are you talking about staying within the bounds of dance music though?
> >  There's amazing folk stuff going on - great music from all aroundthe
> >  - some very good/strong independent song writers - fantastic classical
> >  music
> i mean all music. i listen to lots of satellite radio, i listen to
> lots of random things that discover in all sorts of places. i find
> that about one new artist out of every few hundred i hear regardless
> of genre touches me enough that i care about their music. one of the
> last acoustic artists i heard that i liked was that Jose Gonzales guy
> whom i heard on satellite only to discover that his music was released
> on Peacefrog of all labels.

Jose Gonzales is just scraping the surface of acoustic music
You aren't going to hear a lot of the DIY labels on ANY radio
that's where so much of it is at now

> >  Of course there's tons of nonsense but there always has been.  Now
with the
> >  way artists don't have to rely on record label $$ and the major label
> >  machine to get their music out you can find some really great music
> >  I'm constantly finding new great stuff via myspace - find one good
> >  and follow their links.
> you've found a good artist on myspace?!?!?! maybe our standards are
> different. i would rather listen to something i know i like than
> something that just isn't top notch. myspace is such a waste of time
> for me musically.

yeah, just got to find the right artists and peruse their "friends" list

> >  it takes effort to find it all
> i put out tons of effort and i still get nothing. i definitely have a
> much higher rate of return on older music. i could just be a hater
> though, i've been accused of that in the past.

Not so much of a hater - "fixed" is a better description maybe?
That's not meant as a putdown either
Slagging off myspace completely because there's a major amount of garbage
on there is not ever going into a record store because there's a lot of
crappy CD shops
you have to forget about the bad, make like a duck and let that water slide
off your back


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