We had one John Foxx record when I was a kid, I think it's still at my
mum & dad's place:


I thought it was a pile of pants. [Even as a minor Ultravox fan].

I can't remember who bought it, but it wasn't me. I was well put-off
from that point.

I've never knowingly heard another by Foxx since, I'm afraid. But I feel
bad for neglecting.

So if anyone has any must-listens, starting points etc, I would really,
really appreciate it if you posted 'em here.

Ta und happy Friday.


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Earle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 4:25 AM
To: 313 Mailing List
Subject: Re: Re: (313) John Foxx Influence On 313

Cyclone Wehner wrote:
> All this stuff is great.  It's funny as Foxx's camp claims different. 
> I gather Foxx didn't like Ultravox much with Midge but I really loved 
> that era of theirs.  Midge's daughter has a band now, been meaning to 
> Google them.

Please, do not blaspheme
I will not hear of Ultrasheen
"Metamatic"'s on the decks
Ure is just a load of dreck

        - Greg (still waiting to hear about Foxx's influence on 313)

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