I went to his performance at ACMI here - he performs a live score to a collage of found film entitled Tiny Colour Movies - and it was superb! He produces the most beautiful melodic techno ambient sounds. He did a Q&A after and spoke of how, while he loves old film, he feels more comfortable with digital technology for music-making as analog is less reliable. That said, he uses both. I noticed that there were lots of Gary Numan fans there and everyone was discussing the Yaz(oo) reunion. I also saw a few dudes around 20 in Presets style stovepipes. ;) Interesting experience. I think you can buy the score to TCM on his website - definitely worth checking. He was also talking of how cityscapes inspire him - the brutalism of London architecture in the '70s inspired his Metamatic songs more than any contemplation of the future. He came from the gritty North to London in the '70s and it was real culture shock. That's all I recall for now!

On 10/05/2008, at 1:14 AM, Odeluga, Ken wrote:

We had one John Foxx record when I was a kid, I think it's still at my
mum & dad's place:


I thought it was a pile of pants. [Even as a minor Ultravox fan].

I can't remember who bought it, but it wasn't me. I was well put-off
from that point.

I've never knowingly heard another by Foxx since, I'm afraid. But I feel
bad for neglecting.

So if anyone has any must-listens, starting points etc, I would really,
really appreciate it if you posted 'em here.

Ta und happy Friday.


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Earle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 4:25 AM
To: 313 Mailing List
Subject: Re: Re: (313) John Foxx Influence On 313

Cyclone Wehner wrote:

All this stuff is great.  It's funny as Foxx's camp claims different.
I gather Foxx didn't like Ultravox much with Midge but I really loved
that era of theirs.  Midge's daughter has a band now, been meaning to
Google them.

Please, do not blaspheme
I will not hear of Ultrasheen
"Metamatic"'s on the decks
Ure is just a load of dreck

    - Greg (still waiting to hear about Foxx's influence on 313)

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