enh.  whatever.  i am so tired of this argument.  i don't see why
everybody is so passionately for putting kraftwerk on such a high
pedestal.  they're just one band.

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 3:53 PM, theREALmxyzptlk
>  like i said, nobody can deny
>> their influence, but i really believe that american disco, funk and
>> electro and dare i say synthpop as a conglomeration was more important
>> to the detroit techno sound than the individual effect of kraftwerk.
> Additionally, while the mentions of funk and disco are relevant, the
> 'conglomeration of synth-pop' you cite above can be argued as having largely
> evolved from kraftwerkian tendrils.
> We might have had some form of YMO as a factor, but even they cite the well
> known cyclists as formative - and besides, they still don't have the
> recognition factor of Kraftwerk.
>                    jeff



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