> From: kent williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 12 June 2008 20:14
> If there's something specifically awesome happening that people tell
> you about, that would be great of course. Or if there were 313-listers
> who would be tour guides and translators, awesome.
> But I've found generally that in a strange city, finding a record
> store and going through the free papers and flyers to be the best bet.

Well I'll do that of course (though will be trying to avoid record shops) but I 
was talking with a couple of international jet
setting DJ types last week who said one place in Rome was the biz (and of 
course I now don't remember where, chasing one of them as
to what it was) plus I always enjoy meeting my far flung 313 brethren around 
the world (Gui, Greg, Carlos hello!)

> I don't know anyone in Croatia, but it would be worth trying to scare
> someplace up there to do a laptop DJ set.  From what I hear Slovenia
> and Croatia have really enthusiastic dance music scenes.

Let's hope so as I'm at a festival in Croatia in the gap between flying in to 
Rome and out of Dubrovnik!  Would rather listen than
entertain as I don't want to have drag the means to do that around with me 
(which of course is a record box cos I'm for real.....

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