my 2 cents....

If i am to understand correctly, Tony, you and I use IP variables in a 
similar manner - we use them (primarily) as 'Konstants'.

I think a possible solution to at least this part of the IP issue is:
- some mechanism that allows us to either easily (as part of 4D not a 
plugin/component) either create 'Konstants' (doesn't exist now), or a 
means to flag IP vars as constants (basically write once, read many 
values).  To my thinking this last part could be done via a pair of 
database setting/preferences.
  set PreFix __  Post Fix __  :: string _______ for IP vars to be 
considered as constants.
  set IP Constant Method name ___________  to run during startup

This would allow us to use a method (which may call many others) from 
which IP constants are given a value. Allow us to flag both for 4D, and 
for ourselves which IP vars are contents and should not be changed 
(after initialization) during execution.  The pre fix/Postfix option is 
to allow for personal preference in naming conventions (i.e. add the 
var designator to the front or back of the name).

On Tue, 01 Nov 2016 15:36:00 -0500, Tony Ringsmuth wrote:
>>    (Peter said) 2. Allowing preemptive code to use interprocess 
>> variables with caveat that
>     they are not in fact interprocess would be confusing and misleading (and
>     lead to situation that code will behave differently in preemptive and
>     standard mode - see next point.)
> Tony’s reply:
> In the implementation that I am suggesting, the worker process would 
> behave more as if it was running in a batch workstation.
> As a worker process starts up, it could call a method that would see 
> that the ~interprocess varialbes~ are not populated, and then 
> populate them, if desired.
> Given a choice between absolutely no IP var usage whatsoever, and, 
> using IP vars in a different way:  I think “using IP vars in a 
> different way” would be preffered.
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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