> I think you’re possibly referring here to the implementation of the binary
> search itself.

Yes I was.

> For example say I have an array which holds hierarchical data (arrCHILD,
> arrPARENT). When you want to scan the array with a logical function that
> for each element being in a particular parent group then that scan will
> involve a number of comparisons which will increase with the square of the
> data set size times the number of levels in the hierarchy if we use a
> lookup such as Find in Array.

I don't understand what this example is at all, but I'll take your word for

> (P.S. I long time ago I learned the lesson to not waste too much time
> low level stuff in 4D because 4D eventually comes along and blows all your
> hard work away by building it into the language.

Sure, eventually. I do wish I'd built my own hash tables 15 years ago as we
didn't get them (after a fashion) until V14 and I most *definitely* needed
them in a V13 app.
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